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The Round Barn Theatre Covid-19 Action Plan

The health and well-being of our members, vendors, volunteers, and community are of the utmost importance to us. We are monitoring the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic closely and will make determinations regarding postponing or canceling our upcoming events in a timely fashion. While our theatre has been taking many of these precautions since June, we are now adding more precautions to continue offering a safe environment for employees and guests. We want to assure you that our managers, staff, and administration are taking all precautionary measures to ensure your safety and wellbeing. In accordance with the request from Elkhart County officials as well as state guidelines, The Round Barn Theatre has taken the following steps to ensure the safety of our performers and audience members:


Capacity Limits

  • Our audience seating will continue to be limited to 75% (300 out of 400) capacity and is spread out to accommodate a larger social distance between family groups than is required by the CDC.

  • Production attendance will be monitored by box office staff and capped at 250 to allow 50 walk-up orders on the day of the event (if needed).

  • Extra performance dates are being added to the schedule to spread out audience members to different performances in hopes to keep the attendance numbers below 250.


Guest Information

  • When completing an order with our online ticket system, guests will receive an order confirmation that includes our Covid-19 plan of action. Information will include warnings to stay home if sick or if part of a vulnerable population, reminders of social distancing requirements, sanitation reminders and plans, arrival and departure procedures, requirements while attending the event, and a warning that if the plan procedures are not followed the event will be canceled. 

  • Attendees will be notified that if they test positive for Covid or have been in close contact with a positive case within 14 days, that they need to stay home and not attend the performance. 

  • Our Covid-19 Plan of Action will also be posted on social media accounts and websites for the view of the public at any time.

  • Our Covid-19 Plan of Action will be posted in the lobby of The Round Barn Theatre for the view of the public.


Social Distancing Measures

  • The front row of audience seating will be removed to create a distance of 10-12 yards from the front of stage to the first row of seating.

  • 3 seats on either side of a party will be marked off in the row to create a 6 foot distance from either side of a party/family. Example: A party of 4 selects Seats E4, E5, E6. Seats E1, E2, E3 and E7, E8, E9 will be removed from the available seating for other patrons.

  • The entrance and exit paths to the theatre have been and will continue to be adjusted to avoid any mingling in the lobby.

  • Proper signage for social distance and mask-wearing has been and will continue to be displayed in the public areas in the theatre. 6-feet social distance markings will be placed in high-traffic areas such as concessions, box office, and restrooms.

  • Stage management and theatre staff have been and will continue to enforce social distancing between cast members and artists and mask-wearing while on breaks, including before and after rehearsal.

  • Theatre staff have been and will continue to enforce social distancing between audience members during their time in the theatre and lobby.

  • Performers have not and will continue to not be allowed to greet or mingle with audience members after the show and will avoid areas of the facilities where audience members frequent during performances. 

  • Performers have been and will continue to be asked to apply their own make-up, costumes, and wigs when needed to prevent skin-to-skin contact with others.

  • Skin-to-skin contact will be avoided on stage in blocking and choreography, except in very rare cases and only when both parties agree to the contact.

  • At the end of each production, guests will be instructed to remain in their seats for an organized dismissal by theatre staff. Theatre staff will dismiss guests by each row to ensure safe and socially-distanced departure of the theatre and lobby space.


Staff and Volunteer Screening

  • All audience members have their temperatures taken upon entrance to the theatre.

  • All performers and theatre staff will agree to have their health and wellness checked on a regular basis and are required to fill out health forms before each arrival at the theatre.

  • Upon arrival, all artists and theatre staff will also have their temperature taken and will be carefully assessed for wellness. Temperatures are recorded daily for monitoring purposes.

  • Staff will be notified that if they are symptomatic, are positive for COVID, or have been in close contact with a positive case within the past 14 days, they need to stay home and quarantine.


Increased Sanitation

  • Performers will clean and sanitize their personal dressing room station daily. Theatre staff will also clean and sanitize backstage areas.

  • The theatre is sanitized after each show. Theatre staff will work together to clean and sanitize dressing room stations, bathrooms, props, set pieces, and costumes between shows.

  • The lobby and restrooms of the theatre will be sanitized after each public performance.

  • All concessions and box office personnel will be wearing masks and gloves while serving guests.

  • Entrance doors in the theatre will be propped open when able to limit the number of people touching surfaces.


Face Covering

  • All audience members will be required to wear masks when in the lobby, restrooms, and going to and from their seats in the theatre. It will be asked that masks are worn at all times by all persons except while consuming food or drink, unless an exemption outlined in Section B of the Elkhart County Health Department Public Health Order No. 05-2020 applies.

  • Our performers wear masks or face shields at all times, including the performance on stage which has been adjusted to create as much space for them as possible on stage. Face Shields are provided by the company for actors to wear.



  • For each public performance, at least one (1) Upper-Management staff member will be present to ensure compliance with the approved Plan. At least three (3) theatre staff members will also be present to assist with ensuring compliance with the approved plan and can report to the upper management staff member when non-compliance is identified.

  • If a non-compliance is identified, theatre staff will notify an upper management staff member. The Upper management staff member will then approach the identified noncompliance to assess the situation and take appropriate action when needed.

Approval Letter from Elkhart County Health Department

For questions regarding the RBT Covid-19 Action Plan, please give us a call at 574 773-4188.

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